Math Worksheets

Metric Measurement: Measure Centimeters from Zero

Measurement worksheets for measuring the length of an object placed at the zero position on a metric ruler.

Worksheets for Measuring the Length of Objects in Millimeters and Centimeters

An obvious use of a ruler is to measure the length of an object in metric units. The worksheets on this page provide practice measuring an object placed at the start of the ruler, which is typically how we use a ruler to measure the length of something.

Initial sets of worksheets deal with measuring objects of millimeters, followed by centimeter and fraction of centimeter lengths.

This skill differs subtly from reading millimeters or centimeters on a ruler because it introduces the concept of length as a quantity, and the ruler as a tool for measuring length (as opposed to a specific point on something akin to a number line, which is conceptually what worksheets in the prior sections dealt with.)

Later sets of worksheets deal with measuring objects placed at different starting positions on the ruler. As you will see, this slightly more complicated measurement problem introduces subtraction steps.